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°Ô½Ã¹° 70°Ç
Professor Lee Yun Jin at PPCWC Academy (Sister of President Lee Myung Bak of South Korea)
±Û¾´ÀÌ : master ³¯Â¥ : 2011-08-11 (¸ñ) 12:31 Á¶È¸ : 27402

15th  Leadership Lecture Program
 August  05¡¯ 2011 , PPCWC Academy
Honorary guest speaker, Professor  Lee Yun-jin (ÀÌÀ±Áø)
The dean of PPCWC, Mr. Kwang Yul Shin invited Professor Mrs.Lee Yun Jin, sister of President Lee Myung Bak the President of the Republic of South Korea.
Professor Lee  is a missionary worker in China for over 15years. She serve the country in a humanitarian  way. She studied in Kyeongin University and took up master course in other University. She also have social welfare license.
According to her, on the beginning of there teenage life, they are very poor. But through the proper guidance of her mother and the determination to study hard. They (She and her brother President Lee Myung Bak) became a very successful today.
They both admire there mother because she gave an inspiration to there family.
Prof. Lee said ¡° I remember when we were young, our mother always teaches us on how pray, to love one another, to give importance to our education and most of all is to have faith in God. ¡°

xueqin69 2018-11-13 (È­) 19:48

yingwen27 2018-12-29 (Åä) 20:50

cora 2019-01-04 (±Ý) 23:37

linlan18 2019-01-15 (È­) 17:31

darryl 2019-02-02 (Åä) 06:24

linlan18 2019-03-10 (ÀÏ) 03:13



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