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President Shin of ICFW attended the Commemorative 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between the Islamic Rep. of Iran and the Rep of Korea.on (W¡¦
10-25 3684
President Shin attend the Israeli Art Exhibit at Seoul Korea on October 04, 2012 
10-09 2722
The 21st Anniversary of Independence of Ukraine and 20th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations to the Rep of  Koreawas held at Emerald Room, S¡¦
09-25 2927
The Ambassadors of the Republics of Costa RIca, H.E Manuel Lopez Trigo; El-Savador, H.E Hector Gonzalez Urrutia; Guatemala, H.E Rafael Salazar Galvez ¡¦
09-21 2590
04-16 17051
The 21st Anniversary of Liberation of The State of Kuwait & 51st National Day Celebration of the Embassy of Kuwait was held at the Shilla Hote¡¦
02-29 4403
     The Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Establish of Diplomatic ties with the Republic of Korea & 168th An¡¦
02-29 3059
Targeting diplomats to help make a multicultural Korea   The president of an organization for foreigners¡¯ welfare has called on diplomat¡¦
02-20 3785
 33rd Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution & 50th Annyversary of Establishment of Diplomatic ties of the Embassy of Iran was held at the¡¦
02-16 2716
   64th Anniversary of the Independence of Sri Lanka was held at Olympic Memorial Hall in Ansan on February 5th 2012, Saturday, by embassy ¡¦
02-10 2806
The Yearend Luncheon Meeting was held at the Embassy of Malaysia, Seoul on December 21, 2011 at 12:30 in the afternoon until 2PM. The Embassy of Malay¡¦
12-26 4180
The 48th Jamhuri Day Celebration of the Embassy of Kenya was held at the Lotte Hotel Seoul, on December 15, 2011. This event was attended by the Pres¡¦
12-23 2864
The 2011 The State of Qatar National day reception was held at Grand Ballroom Hyatt Hotel, Soeul, on December 19, 2011. The evevnt was attended by the¡¦
12-20 3900
The "84th Birthday Anniversary of  His Majesty  King Bhumibol Adulyadej" was took place  at Lotte Hotel Seoul on Deceember 05, 201¡¦
12-12 3373
The Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of UAE was held on 2nd of December 2011. The evevnt was took place at the Lotte Hotel Seoul. The event was at¡¦
12-05 2307
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