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3rd PPCWC Academy Graduation day' 2011
±Û¾´ÀÌ : master ³¯Â¥ : 2011-03-16 (¼ö) 14:00 Á¶È¸ : 3472


Every year PPCWC Academy opens its Free Korean language course for foreign students in Korea.
On March 6, 2011. PPCWC Pu-pyung Community Welfare Center performed its 3rd Graduation ceremony at the PPCWC building in Incheon city.
About 29 Foreign Graduates students of Korean Languages course were graduated.
With the special participation to the Philippine Ambassador of Korea, H.E Luis T. Cruz; the Laos Ambassador, HE Soukthavone Keola; and
Costa Rican Ambassador, H.E Fernando Borbon.
Organized by PPCWC with the collaboration of ICFW and i-msn.
The organizers are very happy to all of the 200 attendees.
Thank you!.

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