Mr. Shin; My dear colleagues; Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have been here for almost 4 years. And I am a very lucky to attend most of the event of ICFW. At first I know Mr. Shin as the Ambassador of Incheon city about 3 years ago. I know Mr. Shin who is a chairman of ICFW. I know Mr. Shin who has a i-msn newspaper. And all of us here are happy because the newspaper who was giving us an information. I know Mr. Shin who has a school for children in which I visited many times. He also provided a building for old ladies. He also had a gym for concert, for music. And above all, he organized the Miss IMS pageant that has a big challenge to him. I hope we know this man who is working so hard for all of us. This man who refused to be a Member of Parliament. He really loves us, He loves our country. Thank you very much.
Mr. Ihab Tahoon. Minister Plenipotentiary of EGYPT