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The organizers of this event including the President of PPCWC& icfw are very proud and happy for the success and very wonderfull event in PPC¡¦
03-16 2246
The Performance of African group and the main show, the performance of the PPCWC symphony orchestra
03-16 2189
03-16 2164
Receiving the Certificate of Appreciation
03-16 2288
the PPCWC symphony Orchestra together with the Ambassador of U.A.E, His Excellency Abdul Al-maania and his wife Madam Aida Al-maania
03-16 2266
The Ambassador of U.A.E was given the PPCWC symphony orchestra a plaque of Appreciation as an recognition of its long time spirit of cooperation¡¦
03-16 16350
The Ambassador of U.A.E was given the PPCWC symphony orchestra a plaque of Appreciation as an recognition of its long time spirit of cooperation with ¡¦
03-16 18504
Entrance of PPCWC & ICFW President , together with the Ambassador of UAE, followed by Ambassador of Cambodia , the Miss Korea 2006 and Miss Malawi¡¦
03-16 2196
Mr. Kwang Yul Shin is doing his part as the President of PPCWF & ICFW. He obviously entertain well all the visitors.
03-16 2363
The performance of Affican group, they all gave their whole effort to make the audiences enjoy and happy.
03-16 2439
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   Happy New Year 2025.
   A message from the ICFW Chairman on¡¦
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   icfw½Å±¤¿­È¸Àå Happy Lunar New Year¡¦
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  ICFW & PPCWC Art Gallery
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  ppcwc academy
   please wait for while, we are organ¡¦
  ppcwc symphony orchestra
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   The ppcwc symphony orchestra that i¡¦
  ppcwc fashion show
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