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Ambassadors and Distinguish Guests, including Miss Malawi. They are all having fun watching the performance dance of African group. And eventually get¡¦
03-16 2196
A short Welcome Speech coming from the President of PPCWC and ICFW, followed by a short appreciation speech from the Ambassador of Cambodia , and an I¡¦
03-16 2080
PPCWC Distinguist Guests. The Ambassador of Peace in Germany, the Labor Attache's of Philippines, and the Counselor of Senegal.
03-16 2179
They are the Special Guests. They are Koreans with a high position.
03-16 2200
The Pride and Joy of PPCWC Academy, - PPCWC Symphony Orchestra..
03-16 2138
The Pride od PPCWC Academy, They are the PPCWC Symphony Orchestra Group, They came from different Universities, they are all Scholars.The Performance ¡¦
03-16 2253
Audiences are seriously listening the great music played by the PPCWC Symphony Orchestra
03-16 2248
Event Presentation, Mr. Kwang Yul Shin, President of ICFW & PPCWC , Thank you speech to all attendees..
03-16 2137
Dinner with PPCWC Symphony Orchestra
03-16 2269
Releasing of Balloons , to have a good luck wish for the ICFW. Lead by the EMCEE, Miss Korea
03-16 2173
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  what's new
   53rd United Arab Emirates National ¡¦
   icfw ½Å±¤¿­È¸Àå 54th Oman National¡¦
   icfw ½Å±¤¿­È¸Àå Shin K Yul attended¡¦ (2)
   80th Anniversary of Liberation of B¡¦ (2)
   icfw ½Å±¤¿­È¸Àå 126th Philippine In¡¦ (3)
  memorable moment...
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   ½Å±¤¿­È¸Àå( plan in 2017 for Lady T¡¦ (212)
   2015 ´Ù¹®È­°¡Á· ¼ºÅºÀý Çà»ç (ÀÎõ´ä¡¦ (59)
   2015 ´Ù¹®È­°¡Á· ¼ºÅºÀý Çà»ç (ÀÎõ´ä¡¦
   ¿À´ÃÀº Çѱ۳¯ÀÔ´Ï´Ù icfw ½Å±¤¿­È¸¡¦ (285)
   Happy New Year 2025.
   A message from the ICFW Chairman on¡¦
   icfw½Å±¤¿­È¸Àå greeting to foreigne¡¦
   icfw½Å±¤¿­È¸Àå Happy Lunar New Year¡¦
   ¼­¿ïÇýÈ­µ¿ ·ÎÅ͸® ´Ù¹®È­ÀåÅÍ Multi¡¦
  Miss Korea & Miss IMS
   icfw Covid-19 Photo Theater : 50th ¡¦
   1st Miss IMS Pageant ( Multicultura¡¦
  ICFW & PPCWC Art Gallery
   ICFW & PPCWC Art Gallery and Outdoo¡¦
  ppcwc academy
   please wait for while, we are organ¡¦
  ppcwc symphony orchestra
   icfw ½Å±¤¿­È¸Àå talked about the 1¡¦
   The ppcwc symphony orchestra that i¡¦
  ppcwc fashion show
   The ppcwc fashion show for the elde¡¦