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Interview to the Charge d' affair of Sudan
±Û¾´ÀÌ : master ³¯Â¥ : 2012-04-23 (¿ù) 10:22 Á¶È¸ : 20158

Mr. Elrayih M. HYDOUB Charge d'affaires of Sudan
On 17th February 2012 at the Embassy of Sudan, Seoul.

On 17th February 2012, President Shin luckily had an interview to the
According to His Excellency HYDOUB, He and his wife are loved by their friends because of their warm character and gentle personality.
The Charge d'affaires has lived in Korea for 13 years, and considered Korea as his home. One of his three children was born in Korea.
Sudan is located in the Northeastern Africa it is divided into two; North Sudan and South Sudan after several years of civil war. On July 9, 2011 South Sudan declared itself as an independent country.
There are about 88 Koreans living in Sudan, most of them are working in the fields of trade including Hyundai or Kia companies. There are about 50 Sudanese people living in Korea, 30of them are working in Arabian embassies.
We asked him if Sudanese people leave Sudan to work for embassies of Arabian countries in Korea. He replied that though Sudanese people aren't wealthy, they are known for being a very modest and hospitable race, because of their actions such as smile and warm greeting to the tourists including offering of tea. They have such a good nature that is known between tourists. So, that Sudan is a place you have to go to when travelling in the Middle East and Africa.
He highly appraises the respect towards elders. ¡°Koreans love their families like the Sudanese¡± he said.
He emphasized that Korea could make a more mature and hopeful international multicultural society if they made Korea's representative sport 'Tae Kwon Do' into a more prosperous international business.
Lastly, the Charge d'affaires a.i simple advice to Korea ¡°I hope Koreans should be more open-minded and they should respect multicultural people without any discrimination; such as skin color or religion.
Interviewer: Mr. Kwang Yul Shin, President
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